Ocasio 12 Years
We are all doomed! Soothsayer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says the world will come to can end in 12 years. I still have 15 years left on mortgage. Should I stop paying it? Or maybe I should get one of those reverse mortgages that stupid people get and ride into oblivion with some extra cash in my pocket. Actually, considering how inaccurate doomsday predictions are and the astounding stupidity of AOC, maybe I’ll keep my house and the good credit I’ve spent a lifetime building.
- Ocasio-cortez Says World Will End In 12 Years
- Alexandria Ocasio Cortez 12 Years
- Ocasio World Ends In 12 Years
Ocasio-Cortez did a sit down with black reparations expert Ta-Nehisi Coates to celebrate MLK Day yesterday. She of course called for the US to pay slavery reparations to blacks, but what’s the point? We’re all completely f*cked in a little over a decade according to her:
.@AOC on millennials and social media: “We’re, like, the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change” pic.twitter.com/HjhbVyfFN4
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed the world will end in 12 years Ms Ocasio-Cortez, dubbed AOC, has made waves in Washington since being elected the youngest ever member of Congress at 29. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claimed Sunday that people who believe the suggestion that the world will end in 12 years have the intelligence of a “sea sponge,” even though Ocasio-Cortez made that very claim in January. 24, 2019 at 2:55 p.m. UTC Apparently all anyone has any strength or enthusiasm for is applying a literalism test on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.)’s all-too-accurate warnings. The timeline Ocasio-Cortez referenced was likely based on a U.N. Backed report, released last year, that predicted the consequences of man-made climate change would become irreversible in twelve.
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 22, 2019

“Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z and all these folks that will come after us are looking up and we’re like: The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change and your biggest issue is how we gonna pay for it? This is the war. This is our World War II,” said Ocasio-Cortez.
Unlike “climate change” the Nazis and the Japanese were real, plus even if we hadn’t defeated them, the world wouldn’t have ended. Hasn’t she seen The Man in the High Castle? Sure things kind of suck under Nazi/Japanese rule, but at least the planet still exists. Actually, I get the impression she wants us to nuke climate change to defeat it, which makes about as much sense as everything else that comes from her uninformed mind.
Speaking of which…
“How are we saying let’s take it easy when 3,000 Americans died last year?” Ocasio-Cortez asked.
Only 3,000 Americans died last year? That’s great news and points to a brighter future. That means deaths because of drugs, violence, accidents, and disease are all down drastically.
Oh wait, she’s trying to say that global warming killed 3,000 Americans last year. At least that’s what I think she’s getting at. It’s much harder to unf*ck her words than it is for a normal person. I would like it if one of the liberal fact-checking outlets would look into this particular statement because something imaginary like climate change can’t kill real people, let alone 3,000 of them.
As it turns out, it’s not just climate change that’s killing Americans, but also because we arrest people and put them in jail when they commit crimes:
“How are we saying let’s take it easy when the nth person just died from our cruel and unjust criminal justice system?” Ocasio-Cortez pondered.
How many is nth? I bet it’s a lot considering the injustice and cruelty of enforcing our laws and whatnot. This chick is amazing in that she literally doesn’t know anything about anything. Even idiot savants are good at one thing like counting cards or playing the violin. She’s an imbecile in all areas equally and for some reason lefties look at her like she’s a messiah.
Ocasio-cortez Says World Will End In 12 Years
There really is a cult-like following for AOC and it looks like that’s now turned into a doomsday cult. Seriously, look at this shit:
A new poll finds 74 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning adults would consider voting for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for president, even though she’s too young to serve https://t.co/Q4FAtqM8XR
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) January 22, 2019
That’s a much bigger indicator that we’re in trouble than the man-made global warming hoax. Three-quarters of all democrats would vote to put this moron in the White House, which is another way of saying almost all liberals are clinically insane. OK, maybe that’s not news, but it certainly doesn’t instill a sense of safety.
With only 12 years left, it’s just a matter of time before the Ayocees start mutilating their own genitals and wait for the spaceship to come save them. Boy, are they going to feel stupid 13 years from now when everything is fine.
Trump vs. AOC: President takes on freshman congresswoman over Green New Deal
Trump says if Democrats run on the Green New Deal and beat him, he deserves to lose.
Only a few days after being sworn in as a member of Congress, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. summarized a 2018 U.N. report on climate change with a dire prediction. The frequently repeated line “we have only 12 years left” is now in the lexicon of almost every Democratic presidential candidate and environmental activist nationwide.

Only problem: it is not true. Science and logic say so, as do the authors of the report.
As The Associated Press reported last month: “There is no scientific consensus, much less unanimity, that the planet only has 12 years to fix the problem (of climate change). A report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, drawn from the work of hundreds of scientists, uses 2030 as a prominent benchmark because signatories to the Paris agreement have pledged emission cuts by then. But it’s not a last chance, hard deadline for action, as it has been interpreted in some quarters.”
Nevertheless, Ocasio-Cortez won’t let facts stand in the way of outrage. Paraphrasing the young self-described socialist representative herself: it is more important to be morally right than factually correct.

With time ticking away on the left’s doomsday clock (technically 11 years and 8 months left) Ocasio-Cortez and her radical environmental acolytes have authored the Green New Deal.
As any good politician knows, the only solution to a crisis is government. And when it comes to averting climate catastrophe by 2031, nothing less than single-payer health care, guaranteed income for those unwilling to work, and addressing racial and gender injustices will do the trick.
As The Associated Press reported last month: “There is no scientific consensus, much less unanimity, that the planet only has 12 years to fix the problem (of climate change). '
Maybe such a backlash is natural, as the U.N. report is indeed scary. Unless immediate, bold action is taken to end the use of fossil fuels and cut carbon dioxide emissions, the report says:
1) Entire nations like the Maldives could be underwater from rising sea levels.
2) Coastal flooding and crop failure will cause political chaos.
3) One-sixth of Bangladesh will be gone, displacing 25 percent of the nation’s population.
4) Shifting climate patterns will bring back Dust Bowl conditions to America’s heartland.
Preventing the results of climate change – starvation, misery, and chaos – within a decade can help explain support for the overreaching Green New Deal. Except these aforementioned predictions aren’t from the 2018 U.N. report. They are from a 1989 report issued by the same United Nations.
We have been down the “12 years left” road before.
Predicting the end of humankind is as old as time. The earliest Christians thought the end was near. Nostradamus is famous for nothing other than predicting the end, as too are some other religious groups.
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez 12 Years
But when it comes to climate change Armageddon, the preventative measures tend to centralize power in the hands of government leaders, stripping people of rights and property. The proposals are always rooted not in the environment, but in the economy.
A simple question for Ocasio-Cortez and other climate change zealots is this: what did the 1989 U.N. climate report get so wrong?

Conversely, what does the more recent but oddly similar 2018 report get right?
One may say the computer modeling (on which every climate change prediction is based) is more sophisticated today. But the 1989 report isn’t just a little wrong. Its inaccuracy is the size of the Maldives.
There are some facts about our planet’s climate we can all agree on. Sea levels are a few inches higher and temperatures are about 1 degree warmer since 1900.
The real climate change debate – the one radical environmentalists refuse to have – is twofold: to what extent does human activity contribute to climate change, and how much of our economy and freedoms need to be surrendered to government as a result?
Some amazing things have transpired since the 1989 report was written: hundreds of millions of people in Asia and Africa have moved out of extreme poverty. China, India and South Korea have become economic powerhouses. The Soviet Union collapsed, and the Internet was born.
There is no Dust Bowl sequel.
As Ocasio Cortez and the ever-growing number of Democratic presidential candidates crisscross the nation (using fossil fuels), let’s hope they stop using the “12 years left” unscientific hyperbole. The American people deserve a serious conversation about energy and environmental policy, not the repeated exaggerations of a political agenda.
Climate change scare tactics no longer work. In one generation they went from scary to outdated. Younger politicians like Ocasio-Cortez would do well to admit this.
Ocasio World Ends In 12 Years
We should also expect more from the U.N. scientists and their 30-year track record of rehashed climate predictions. Otherwise, their 2049 report is already written.