Hors Connection
Connectionid: uniqueidentifier: Identifies each connection uniquely. Is not nullable. Parentconnectionid: uniqueidentifier: Identifies the primary connection that the MARS session is using. Mostrecentsqlhandle: varbinary(64) The SQL handle of the last request executed on this connection. Nelson's largest selection of local art. Home; Pottery; Metal; Wood; jewellery; Glass; Homegoods; Leather; Self Care; Clothing/Accessories. NOW IN PRODUCTION at The Horse Connection Stretch Bungee Tie Lead with Velcro The HEAVY DUTY Velcro Stretch Tie Leader was a very popular item in the store for many years, being a great training aid for horses that pull when tied, or for teaching young horses to tie initially. Over 300 locations in 17 states, Factory Connection takes pride in providing top fashions & great brands for much less than boutiques or department stores. Check Your Gift Card Balance By Calling 1-877-654-6937.

Applies to:
Returns information about the connections established to this instance of SQL Server and the details of each connection. Returns server wide connection information for SQL Server. Returns current database connection information for SQL Database.
To call this from Azure Synapse Analytics or Parallel Data Warehouse, use sys.dm_pdw_exec_connections (Transact-SQL).
Column name | Data type | Description |
session_id | int | Identifies the session associated with this connection. Is nullable. |
most_recent_session_id | int | Represents the session ID for the most recent request associated with this connection. (SOAP connections can be reused by another session.) Is nullable. |
connect_time | datetime | Timestamp when connection was established. Is not nullable. |
net_transport | nvarchar(40) | Always returns Session when a connection has multiple active result sets (MARS) enabled. Note: Describes the physical transport protocol that is used by this connection. Is not nullable. |
protocol_type | nvarchar(40) | Specifies the protocol type of the payload. It currently distinguishes between TDS (TSQL) and SOAP. Is nullable. |
protocol_version | int | Version of the data access protocol associated with this connection. Is nullable. |
endpoint_id | int | An identifier that describes what type of connection it is. This endpoint_id can be used to query the sys.endpoints view. Is nullable. |
encrypt_option | nvarchar(40) | Boolean value to describe whether encryption is enabled for this connection. Is not nullable. |
auth_scheme | nvarchar(40) | Specifies SQL Server/Windows Authentication scheme used with this connection. Is not nullable. |
node_affinity | smallint | Identifies the memory node to which this connection has affinity. Is not nullable. |
num_reads | int | Number of byte reads that have occurred over this connection. Is nullable. |
num_writes | int | Number of byte writes that have occurred over this connection. Is nullable. |
last_read | datetime | Timestamp when last read occurred over this connection. Is nullable. |
last_write | datetime | Timestamp when last write occurred over this connection. Not Is nullable. |
net_packet_size | int | Network packet size used for information and data transfer. Is nullable. |
client_net_address | varchar(48) | Host address of the client connecting to this server. Is nullable. Prior to V12 in Azure SQL Database, this column always returns NULL. |
client_tcp_port | int | Port number on the client computer that is associated with this connection. Is nullable. In Azure SQL Database, this column always returns NULL. |
local_net_address | varchar(48) | Represents the IP address on the server that this connection targeted. Available only for connections using the TCP transport provider. Is nullable. In Azure SQL Database, this column always returns NULL. |
local_tcp_port | int | Represents the server TCP port that this connection targeted if it were a connection using the TCP transport. Is nullable. In Azure SQL Database, this column always returns NULL. |
connection_id | uniqueidentifier | Identifies each connection uniquely. Is not nullable. |
parent_connection_id | uniqueidentifier | Identifies the primary connection that the MARS session is using. Is nullable. |
most_recent_sql_handle | varbinary(64) | The SQL handle of the last request executed on this connection. The most_recent_sql_handle column is always in sync with the most_recent_session_id column. Is nullable. |
pdw_node_id | int | Applies to: Azure Synapse Analytics, Parallel Data Warehouse The identifier for the node that this distribution is on. |
On SQL Server, requires VIEW SERVER STATE
On SQL Database Basic, S0, and S1 service objectives, and for databases in elastic pools, the Server admin
or an Azure Active Directory admin
account is required. On all other SQL Database service objectives, the VIEW DATABASE STATE
permission is required in the database.
Physical Joins

Relationship Cardinalities
First element | Second element | Relationship |
dm_exec_sessions.session_id | dm_exec_connections.session_id | One-to-one |
dm_exec_requests.connection_id | dm_exec_connections.connection_id | Many to one |
dm_broker_connections.connection_id | dm_exec_connections.connection_id | One to one |
Typical query to gather information about a queries own connection.
See Also
From 2003 to 2009, the Grand Prix de Santa Fe was a very successful charity horse show created by equestrians Guy McElvain and Brian Gonzalez. Now, after six years without a show, the world class city of Santa Fe is getting ready to jump into the show ring with the newly acquired Equicenter de Santa Fe and a three week hunter / jumper show scheduled this summer from July 22nd through August 9th, with the finale being
the reincarnation of the $50,000 Santa Fe Grand Prix. The original partners of the previous horse shows, Guy and Brian, are back along with Double J Management
members Janet and Larry Hischer and Tim and Jodi Johnson, who together purchased the 137-acre Equicenter de Santa Fe, that was also previously known as the Santa Fe Horse Park, a popular place for local polo teams.

The Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event has long been the pinnacle competition of Eventing in the
U.S. It has mythic status among riders, young and old alike. West Coast rider Gina Miles tells a
story of watching Rolex for the first time. She had such a strong conviction she wanted to ride there she talked the friends attending the competition with her into buying a young Irish horse. That horse was McKinlaigh and Gina not only rode him many times at Rolex, they capped their career together with a silver medal for the US at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Kevin Keane, 60, is possibly the oldest amateur ever to successfully complete the Rolex CCI4*. Last year he debuted at the Four Star level on Fernhill Flutter after many years training with Phillip Dutton, while maintaining a veterinary practice serving some of the top names in the sport.
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Clatter clatter clatter! I jerked awake in my sleeping bag – ”What was that and where the Hell am I’’? Coming awake I realized that this was the first day of a ride from Lake Tekapo 400 Kms to Waitohi Downs Station near Hawarden in Nth Canterbury, New Zealand. 15 of us from all over New Zealand and the USA, piled out of bed and joined Lawrie and Jenny O’Carroll and Yvonne Schuerpf in the kitchen of the sheep shearers quarters at Mt Gerald Station, Tekapo. The fire was crackling and a hot cup of tea was already brewed, and just as well, as an overnight snowfall had colored the tops of the hills and the air felt brand new and straight out of the fridge! Looking through the trees up to the cattle yards, we could see the horses eating their chaff for breakfast. Lawrie and Jenny O’Carroll are the owners of Waitohi Downs, home of
Alpine Horse Safaris. Both Lawrie and Jenny have been involved with horses all their lives, and each contribute different parts of their knowledge to the smooth running of the safaris. In addition to the work on the farm, Lawrie cares for and trains the horses to make them a pleasure for people to ride, while Jenny concentrates on keeping the business side going and cooking and baking to feed those hungry mouths once the day’s riding is finished.
Here at HC, we think that personal style and fashion begin from the ground up. After all, form and function need a foundation and we think that these products are the perfect start to creating a fashion statement that covers you from top to bottom.
Hors Connection Outlook
The Northwest School of Animal Massage was founded in 2001 to meet a growing demand for approved training programs in canine and equine massage in the State of Washington. Headquartered on Vashon Island, just across the sound from Seattle, the NWSAM has now expanded to 15 satellite campuses across North America and attracts students from as faraway as Japan and Australia. Horse Connection sat down with founder Lola Michelin to learn about the school, about her, and to find out what is the most difficult animal to massage. What motivated you to start NWSAM? I started out as a vet tech and studied animal science at Michigan State. During that training I learned about animal massage – specifically equine massage and then later in life when I moved to the Pacific Northwest I studied human massage. So my experience in both human and animal massage led me to start the school. READ MORE
Geoff Young
I have been passionate about the survival of our wild horses in the American West, publishing articles about the cruel and senseless management practices of the herds since 2006. It has been a sad and depressing campaign following the plight of these icons of our Western heritage. And to be honest, I felt a sense of hopelessness this year when the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) released its long-awaited report on the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) wild horse management program.
Horse Connection San Bernardino

The NAS report eviscerated the failed management practices of the BLM stating that, “The Wild Horse and Burro Program has not used scientifically rigorous methods to estimate the population sizes of horses and burros, to model the effects of management actions on the animals, or to assess the availability and use of forage on range lands.” It shouldn’t take the nation’s leading scientists to point out that rounding up tens of thousands of wild horses with helicopters from our public lands and stockpiling them in holding facilities, at an enormous cost to the American taxpayer, and great benefit to the ranching and livestock industry, is a really bad plan.
And what has me feeling hopeless and depressed is that the Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell, has pretty much blown off the report—barely commenting on it or taking action regarding the recommendations laid out. And the real kicker is that Jewell has a science background with a degree in mechanical engineering and yet ignores the science behind the NAS report. Ellie Phipps Price, Producer of AMERICAN MUSTANG, and partner Chris Towt with Dunstan, a mustang who is the namesake of the couple’s winery at the Durell Vineyard in Sonoma, CA.